Well to explain that, I must tell you a little about myself.
My name is Goldie (or at least that's what most people call me. My birth name is Christy but I feel "Goldie" is more me). Currently I am 38 years old, I am single (been married twice), I have no children save for my dog, I am a professional artist, I am spiritual but not religious, and I currently live with my BFF Sandra in a beautiful area of the East Mountains of Albuquerque, New Mexico!
I am a responsible adult and handle my business as a professional. This is what most of the world sees of me. But in reality I am a total kid at heart. I have a healthy (and sometimes bratty) inner child and I find silly joy in things that remind me of when I was young. Thus I love little toys, stuffed animals, My Little Ponies, stickers, unicorns...and cupcakes!

I can't really eat cupcakes anymore; my body simple rejects them. I just can no longer handle the processed flour, sugar, and fat in things like that. But I love seeing pictures of creative, pretty, and unique cupcakes and I tend to collect cute cupcake items where I can find them. I love the color pink (you can tell by my hair) so pink cupcakes just tickle me ^.^ I get all giddy and gleeful when I find little cupcake items and find pictures of unique cupcakes. Perhaps it is "bad" of me to enjoy the thought of a food item so much, but I don't look at it that way. I have NO desire to eat cupcakes, I only enjoy them for what they remind me of. And let's face it, cupcakes are cute :3 They are fun, bright, and colorful and can be decorated in so many ways! I love seeing how creative people can be with them. They have become a symbol of sorts for me of my childhood, and of the kid inside of me. That is why I love cupcakes :)

Now I am a person of love and light. I always have been. But try as I might I never could quite suppress those beastly longings. So I began trying to turn my fascination with these dark creatures into something more positive. In my early twenties I was greatly inspired by the roleplaying game "Werewolf: The Apocalypse". In it you played a werewolf, but instead of a cursed, bloodthirsty killer you were the defender of Gaia, Mother Nature, protecting Her from the ravages of darkness and man's ignorance destruction. These werewolves were spiritual warriors, shamans who used the spirit world in their fight to protect the Earth. Oh boy, now -THAT- was a werewolf I could get behind! So I began drawing these werewolves, these Garou, often while the group was roleplaying, and in that I found my own artistic style, and my own way of being with that beast inside.
Yet my fascination with the cursed, beastial werewolf remains. It is my shadow self, my own inner darkness, but like the beast that it is I keep that side of myself contained. It is not who I choose to be, but I allow it to come out in my art once in awhile since that darkness needs expression as well.
Those are only a couple of aspects of who I am and the things I am interested in. I am also a clown, a shaman, a romantic, a businesswoman, a hippie, a lover, a hedonist, a rebel, a writer, a wolf, a bear, a fairytale princess, a cow/country girl, a goddess, and many other things. I am interested in writing, art, music, swimming, camping, hiking, traveling, gardening, chickens, dogs, horses, wildlife, wilderness, nature, humor, sarcasm, barefoot lifestyle, new age, shamanism, paganism, hippies, and many other things as well. I am not just any one thing, but the two symbols that best sum me up are werewolves, cupcakes...and probably chickens as well. Because chickens are the ultimate symbol (to me) of being a clown, ridiculousness, and being able to laugh at yourself. So three things. Yeah.
This is all who I am.
I will be keeping this blog as the more fluffy/happy/silly blog, and my other blog, Circle of Stones, as my blog for deeper thoughts and musings. Feel free to follow both, or not. I will post things whether anyone reads them because I -need- to write, and write I shall! Thanks for reading :)
Loving this post, I love reading the inner workings of my favorite artists =)
ReplyDeleteTruly fascinating. I have always thought artists to have deep connections with their selves and with the content they portray. You are no exception.
ReplyDeleteI too am an artist, but of the written word. Most of my writings can be found on Deviant Art and LiveJournal.
I am also a therian. Have been for some time but only discovered the word and the community in 2004. It was at that time when I starting following therian art. I have recently been diagnosed with type II diabetes, so I understand full well not being able to eat carbs and sugars, that is unless I want my glucose to shoot about 200 points... (sighs) I miss cupcakes, but especially Krispy Kremes! At least I can still eat meat!
Keep up the blogging. This is a fascinating insight into the heart, soul, and whimsy of one of the best therian artists out there. Good show!
I love your blog =)